UK nuclear plant could power large-scale DAC
Associated British Ports and developers of Sizewell C seek permission to build heat-assisted DAC demonstrator
Associated British Ports (ABP) and the developers of the proposed Sizewell C nuclear power plant in eastern England have launched a project that could culminate in the deployment of a large-scale direct air capture (DAC) facility powered by heat from the station’s two reactors. ABP and Sizewell C, which is part of French energy group EDF, have signed a memorandum of understanding to lease a site at the Port of Lowestoft and seek planning permission for a demonstration DAC plant. If the demonstration project is successful, a permanent full-scale DAC unit could then use heat generated from Sizewell C. “DAC is one part of our plan to make Sizewell C a low-carbon hub” Pyke, Sizewell C
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