Tagged With Acwa
Riyadh hedges bets on decarbonisation
3 November 2022
The Kingdom is investing in projects to lower the lifecycle emissions of its oil and gas and become a major force in green hydrogen production
Central Asia taps Saudi funds for renewables push
26 August 2022
Saudi Arabia’s Acwa Power makes inroads in Central Asia through investment in renewables and green hydrogen
Egypt’s renewables drive shifts focus
3 August 2022
Green hydrogen and distributed solar grab investor attention as country prepares for Cop27 climate talks in November
Signs of life in Saudi renewables
30 March 2022
Progress on capacity auctions and carbon-free megaprojects signals fresh momentum in Kingdom’s clean power sector
Acwa breaks ground on Azerbaijani windfarm
14 January 2022
The project is the first and largest foreign investment in Azerbaijan’s renewables sector
Saudis move to accelerate sluggish renewables push
20 September 2021
Riyadh’s ambitions to enter the green hydrogen sector sit uncomfortably with a slow renewables build-out
Geopolitics smooths Iraq’s energy transition
5 July 2021
International interest in reducing Iraq’s dependence on Iranian gas imports is unlocking finance for renewables and flare-gas capture projects
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