Tagged With Electricity
Industry frets over EU power revenue caps
25 October 2022
Patchwork approach could damage wholesale markets and discourage investment in renewables, industry groups say
EU puts forward measures to reduce power demand
14 September 2022
Proposals also include a temporary revenue cap on operators of renewable, nuclear and lignite power generation
EU package to target electricity demand
12 September 2022
Emergency measures aim to lower power prices by reducing demand at peak times
EU aims to reform electricity markets
30 August 2022
European Commission is working on both an emergency intervention and long-term structural reform following high electricity prices
UK consults on major power market reform
19 July 2022
Government eyes biggest overhaul of wholesale market for 20 years to support transition goals and break price link with gas
Group of 24 nations agrees to improve energy efficiency
13 June 2022
Governments including US, Germany and Japan will seek opportunities for exchange and collaboration, according to joint statement
Renewables investors flock to west Sahelian frontier
8 June 2022
A flurry of solar power projects have advanced in the African region over the last six months as support from international development finance programmes starts to yield results
UK needs eightfold rise in power storage capacity – Aurora
18 February 2022
Developers call for incentives to kickstart investment in storage and balance intermittent renewables
Enel brings forward net-zero target to 2040
24 November 2021
Group accelerates investment in renewables capacity and networks as it looks to electrify new sectors
US bill funds EVs and transmission
12 November 2021
Legislation provides finance for charging stations and transmission lines
Technip and Siemens look to decarbonise olefin production
4 October 2021
Technology uses a dynamic reactor system that replaces conventional furnaces with a combination of electric and hydrogen-fired gas turbines
Six actions needed to close Paris emissions gap – ETC
4 October 2021
Additional 17-20Gt of carbon dioxide reductions and 40pc cut in methane emissions necessary to keep 1.5°C target alive
What is the energy transition?
2 July 2021
The future of energy is about more than just the move from fossil fuels to renewable power. It involves the decarbonisation of all sectors of the economy
Huge global electrification plan needed for net zero – ETC
27 April 2021
World will need $2tn/yr to electrify new sectors, develop demand-side response and upgrade grids
Oil prices to crash in 2°C world – Wood Mackenzie
15 April 2021
Mass electrification of the transport sector will lead to dramatically falling levels of oil demand
PE Live: US transition may cost ‘challenging but feasible’ net $1tn
3 February 2021
The long-term cost savings from the shift to renewables, after accounting for avoided fossil fuel costs, will offset much of the short-term capex and maintenance costs
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