Tagged With Colin Bryce
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: Dawn of a new century
3 August 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, taking in the last 20 years up to the present day
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: Into the nineties
31 July 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, as a new decade ushers in further changes to the trading landscape
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: The scandals
29 July 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, as professionalism grows but deal-making also shows a less salubrious side
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: The movers and shakers
27 July 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, as the cast of actors grows
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: The rise of London
24 July 2020
Colin Bryce continues his oil markets story, looking at the characters that shaped the UK capital’s prominent role
London crude trading’s ‘Good Old Days’: In the beginning
23 July 2020
Colin Bryce takes a trip back to where it all began for the oil markets
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