Tagged With Michael Polkinghorne
Cause for quiet optimism in the East Med
22 December 2020
Political stability and multilateral collaboration are essential to fulfilling the region’s economic potential
Cause for quiet optimism in the East Med
22 December 2020
Political stability and multilateral collaboration are essential to fulfilling the region’s economic potential
Cause for quiet optimism in the East Med
22 December 2020
Political stability and multilateral collaboration are essential to fulfilling the region’s economic potential
The LNG SPA and the energy transition
6 January 2020
The long-term nature of gas and LNG contracts poses legal challenges which may be conventional or, depending on the shape of the low-carbon future, unexpected
The LNG SPA and the energy transition
6 January 2020
The long-term nature of gas and LNG contracts poses legal challenges which may be conventional or, depending on the shape of the low-carbon future, unexpected
The LNG SPA and the energy transition
6 January 2020
The long-term nature of gas and LNG contracts poses legal challenges which may be conventional or, depending on the shape of the low-carbon future, unexpected
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