PE Live Webcast: US LNG ambitions reforging the global market

PE Live Webcast | US LNG ambitions reforging the global market


The US is on track to become the world's largest LNG exporter in 2023. Recent expansion saw the US liquefied gas sector leapfrog Australia and challenge Qatar for the top spot. Rising American volumes are driving shifts in LNG markets and have proved a vital lifeline for Europe as the continent tries to weather an energy crisis. As the US continues to expand gas production and export infrastructure, Petroleum Economist explored the future of US LNG and how the global LNG market was shifting in response. 

Meet the speakers:

Simon Ferrie
Petroleum Economist


Simon is a London-based journalist and covers the Asia-Pacific and sub-Saharan African markets for Petroleum Economist. He has 13 years of experience reporting on a range of energy and commodity sectors, including heading up freight coverage at Argus Media.

Seth Haskell
Research Analyst
Global Energy Infrastructure

Seth Haskell is a Research Analyst at Global Energy Infrastructure. At GEI, Haskell aided in building the company's world leading carbon capture and storage database and continues to maintain the LNG and pipeline databases. His analysis is published in Petroleum Economist and on Global Energy Infrastructure's own site. Haskell is a graduate of the University of Leeds and a native of the DC area.

Alex Munton
Director, Global Gas Service
Rapidan Energy Group

Alex Munton is Director of Rapidan Energy Group’s Global Gas Service, where he is responsible for product development, operational management, and the strategic direction of the service.

Prior to joining Rapidan, Alex was Principal Analyst, Americas LNG, at Wood Mackenzie and before that Senior Analyst, Middle East research, at Wood Mackenzie. In addition to his roles in research, Alex has worked as consultant for a wide range of industry clients.

Alex is a graduate of the Australian National University (PhD International Relations) and London’s Metropolitan University (BA Business).

Ira Joseph
Senior Research Associate
Center on Global Energy Policy
Columbia University

New York-based Ira Joseph is senior research associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, and former global head of generating fuels and electric power pricing at S&P Global Platts. He was also previously head of gas and power analytics at S&P and has over 30 years of experience in the energy sector.


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