Tagged With Brexit
Carbon market faces Brexit deal or no-deal conundrum
8 February 2019
Brexit uncertainty leaves carbon market and climate policy hanging fire
UK industry flags Brexit rig shutdown threat
8 November 2018
North Sea activity is unlikely to halt when the UK leaves the EU, but the uncertainty isn’t helping the planning process
Brexit riles North Sea's revival
13 September 2018
The crunch point is fast approaching for a UK oil industry that has performed better than many had foreseen in the face of continued Brexit uncertainties
Battling the Brexit blues
28 August 2018
The UK's planned withdrawal from the EU in 2019 is causing uncertainties for the North Sea industry at a time when it could do without them
UK's unclear post-Brexit emissions strategy
23 March 2018
The shape of future EU carbon trading hangs in the balance
Brexit casts dark cloud over UK's North Sea industry
18 December 2017
The UK's oil and gas sector has been the focus of some sizeable asset acquisitions recently, but uncertainty over the terms of the country's withdrawal from the EU is confusing the outlook
Mayhem: oil and equity markets caught off guard by UK election result
9 June 2017
Yet more uncertainty will be negative for energy demand and stunt policy
The UK is officially leaving the EU. What now for energy?
5 April 2017
UK prime minister Theresa May has hailed the dawn of a "Global Britain", but Brexit's critics say it will cripple the economy, kill access to its main market, spark ruinous inflation and shred the country's global influence.
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