Tagged With KRG
Iran casts shadow over Kurdish gas aspirations
30 June 2022
The Kurdistan region is facing political and military challenges as efforts to appoint a government in Baghdad descend further into chaos
Baghdad and Erbil face off
20 April 2022
Representatives from the federal and Kurdistan authorities have held in-person talks as they look to resolve a decade-old dispute over oil
KRG craves 2022 stability
24 January 2022
Having benefitted from improved oil prices and better relations with Baghdad in 2021, Erbil is looking for more of the same
KRG: Cold-shouldered
24 October 2017
As Iraq consolidates its control of recaptured land and resources in and around Kirkuk, the KRG is looking increasingly isolated
Ties that bind in Turkey
30 May 2017
Energy and economic interdependence between Turkey and the KRG will transcend political crises
Middle East tricky energy triangle
30 May 2017
Baghdad's and Erbil's oil-output plans are entwined with political differences and Ankara's strategy to diversify energy sources
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