The role of alternative fuels in the transition to net zero and the pathways to commercial viability

Alternative fuels—any fuel that is not derived from conventional fossil fuels—will play a key role in the energy transition as more and more countries commit to decarbonisation and net-zero targets. Transition Economist, in association with professional services firm PwC, is pleased to present an exclusive roundtable exploring the role of alternative fuels and the pathways to commercial viability.

A significant investment in alternative fuels is needed to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, and this topic will undoubtedly play a part in discussions at this year’s Cop26 meeting in November.

This discussion was moderated by Will Jackson-Moore, Global Private Equity, Real Assets and Sovereign Funds Leader, PwC.

Panellists: Juergen Peterseim, Senior Manager, PwC
Helena Anderson, Co-Founder and COO, Ikigai Capital
Shiva Dustdar, Head of Division, Innovation Finance Advisory, European Investment Bank
Matt Williamson, VP Blue Hydrogen, bp
Chris Johnson, CEO, HyCap

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