The emergence of the US as a global LNG superpower
The US' meteoric rise as an exporter of the super-chilled fuel has redrawn the global energy map, with far-reaching implications
Less than a decade ago, the US was a net natural gas importer and sold hardly any gas overseas. But with the huge increase in US gas production—namely the meteoric rise of shale gas—along with the accompanying growth in LNG export terminal capacity, that narrative has been turned upside down. The US is now the world’s number-one supplier of the super-chilled fuel, has transformed the global LNG landscape and has the potential to redraw the global gas map indefinitely. The great shale gas rush The zero-to-hero story of US LNG exports begins with the huge technological breakthroughs in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in the mid-2000s, which were techniques that enabled access to,
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