Tackling methane a ‘no-brainer’ for oil and gas industry, says IEA’s McGlade
Cutting emissions of the potent greenhouse gas is beneficial not just for the climate but also for companies’ bottom lines and their social licences to operate
Reducing methane emissions seems a win-win for the oil and gas industry. Rather than being seen as a costly headache, approaches and attitudes are shifting given the potential to save money and cut wasted energy. It is also coming on to the radar more after having been something of a blind spot due to the attention given to decarbonisation and the lack of appreciation as to how the two issues fit together. Petroleum Economist spoke to the IEA’s methane specialist, Christophe McGlade, in an exclusive interview on the trajectory of the methane challenge and where we go from here. Christophe McGlade, IEA methane specialist Do you think met
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