Tagged With Justin Jacobs
Reforms bring Argentinian self-sufficiency closer
31 July 2018
New energy investments are reducing Argentina’s import needs
Colombia hopes for a revival
10 July 2018
Duque’s victory in June’s elections is likely to open the way for new upstream investment opportunities
Petrobras' incomplete recovery
4 July 2018
Brazil's state oil company has taken major strides forward, but further progress and support from the next government are needed
US powerhouse in the making
14 June 2018
The LNG building boom is just getting underway. When it's done, the US will be the largest exporter in the world
Latin America’s uncertain LNG future
8 June 2018
Old-guard importers are fading, but new markets are opening. The region’s exporters are adapting to the US threat
Trump's fuel fight
7 June 2018
The administration wants to roll back proposed fuel efficiency standards, but rising consumption would mean fewer barrels available for export
ExxonMobil and Chevron go big in the Permian
16 May 2018
It is a new era for the supermajors and the west Texas shale basin as the companies plot aggressive growth plans
Permian faces pipeline crunch
16 May 2018
The west Texas oil and gas play could see growth crimped if major infrastructure projects aren’t completed in time
Ecuador: Holding steady on Opec cuts
15 May 2018
No plans for an uptick in investment and production in the immediate future
Venezuela: Opec's heavy lifter
14 May 2018
The Latin American producer's sharp fall in output has helped hold the cartel’s deal together
Latin America's oil production struggles to recover
11 May 2018
Venezuela and Mexico are still coping with the fallout from the downturn while Brazil is set to start adding barrels again
China oil financing falls in Latin America
11 May 2018
Beijing’s investment in the region is shifting from oil and other commodities to services
Trump lays down Iran gauntlet
9 May 2018
The US administration must win over sceptical European and Asian allies to make oil sanctions bite as hard as last time
Marathon Petroleum bets big on refining growth
1 May 2018
The strategic rationale behind the refiner's deal to takeover Andeavor appears solid, but is the timing right?
ConocoPhillips judgement piles pressure on Venezuela's PdV
27 April 2018
Venezuela's state oil company is reeling from plummeting output and debts
US tight oil production moves up a gear
23 April 2018
The Permian is leading America's surging crude production, but there are warning signs in the data
Caribbean energy: devastation and opportunity
13 April 2018
Governments want to remake their electric grids
China-US trade war heats up
5 April 2018
Energy isn't at the core of current trade tensions, but US exports could emerge as a bargaining tool as the spat moves toward negotiations
Majors snap up Mexico's shallow-water offering
28 March 2018
Industry heavyweights have piled in after large discoveries in the Sureste Basin, which has emerged as the country's most promising area outside the deep waters
Venezuelan oil's volatile year
27 March 2018
A steep production decline from the country is already priced in, but things could get even worse
Shale oil's new calculus
27 March 2018
Will producers chase growth or profits?
Reforms at risk in Latin America's elections
26 March 2018
A busy political season will put recent market-friendly energy changes to the test
Venezuela catches the crypto craze
16 March 2018
Is "The Petro" a leap forward or just a cash grab?
Tillerson ouster shakes up energy diplomacy
15 March 2018
American policy towards Iran and Venezuela will likely grow harsher, injecting more risk into energy markets
CERAWeek: Shale surge puts Opec in a bind
9 March 2018
Tight oil producers were buoyant and Opec accommodating as the global oil industry gathered
Trump's protectionism spooks energy industry
2 March 2018
Steel tariffs could slow booming pipeline and downstream infrastructure construction and feed producer inflation
Is Amlo a threat to Mexico's oil opening?
27 February 2018
The industry fears a López Obrador victory in July's presidential election could derail the country's reforms
Priced out of the Permian
26 February 2018
M&A has slowed in the US' hottest shale basin as investors look elsewhere for cheaper growth opportunities
Brazil watches the polls
12 February 2018
The South American country will choose a new president in 2018, with major ramifications for the oil industry
US defends its oil-output data
30 January 2018
What do the EIA's weekly production figures tell the market—and what don't they?
Venezuela's oil exports to the US fading fast
29 January 2018
Collapsing shipments point to deep pain in the country's oil industry
Venezuela going for broke
16 January 2018
The Maduro government wants a new deal on its debt. Things are going to get messy
US energy: what to watch in 2018
3 January 2018
Oil production, trade, renewables and technology top our list of major questions facing America's energy industry heading into the new year
Cove Point boosts US LNG exports
7 December 2017
A second facility will start supplying the fuel to international markets as American liquefied gas shipments gather pace
Latin America's LNG slowdown
7 December 2017
A few years ago, gas exporters thought the Southern Cone would become a huge new market. Not likely
Latin America's continental contraction
5 December 2017
The region has seen a decade of surging crude consumption come to a crashing halt. Refining woes mean imports are still on the rise
Growing pains ahead for Mexico's reforms
1 December 2017
Regulators have won high praise from the industry for progress to date, but the oil opening is still in its early days and fresh obstacles lie ahead
Military moves in on Venezuela's oil industry
28 November 2017
A major general is replacing the oilmen that ran the industry which will worry investors and plunge the sector further into crisis
TransCanada gets Keystone XL approval—but there’s a catch
21 November 2017
Nebraska regulators rejected the pipeline builders preferred route, but ok’d an alternative, handing the company a complicated victory
Venezuelan crunch time
17 November 2017
Venezuela faces steep bond payments before the end of the year. It is looking to Russia to help keep it from default
Venezuela's debt crisis deepens
15 November 2017
It's crunch time in Caracas after the country defaulted on two bond payments and oil output continued its freefall
Trump, China and an LNG deal
9 November 2017
The US president's trip to China yielded the promise of a new gas supply partnership. But the deal was heavy on fanfare and light on details
Republican plan would axe EV tax break
3 November 2017
The roll back of vital incentives would come just before a major push from carmakers to bring electric vehicles into the mainstream
Perry stirs gas versus coal fight
25 October 2017
US energy secretary's subsidy plan gets a roasting
US crude and fuel exports reaching new highs
19 October 2017
WTI's persistent discount to Brent has drawn record levels of American oil onto international markets
Harvey's aftermath
12 October 2017
The Gulf Coast is now a force on global oil and gas markets, making the hurricanes that regularly ravage the region a greater threat to supply
Latin America's hobbled oil giants
6 October 2017
Plagued by debt, low oil prices and political turmoil, times have been troubled for Latin America's state-run energy firms
Harvey tanks exports and production
8 September 2017
The hurricane seized up much of the Gulf Coast's infrastructure that keeps oil and fuel flowing to markets
Venezuela's combustible crisis
30 August 2017
President Nicolás Maduro's power grab has plunged the nation deeper into despair. What's the end game?
Hurricane Harvey's energy impact
29 August 2017
A storm-ravaged Gulf Coast faces a large and complex recovery that could take longer than energy investors expect
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