Tagged With Sally Bogle
Big names target Australian renewables
27 June 2019
Falling solar and battery storage costs, combined with a desire to save on infill gas use, are luring majors into Australia’s renewables generation sector
Australia finds more gas for home and abroad
18 June 2019
Santos’ discovery of a sizeable gas column in the Northern Carnarvon Basin should boost the NWS venture’s expansion plans
LNG in firing line of climate advocacy
9 May 2019
Energy firms are coming under increasing pressure to take radical steps to reduce emissions
US LNG eyes eastern Australia market
19 February 2019
Trans-Pacific shipments might compete to fill the country’s regional supply shortage
Japan tries again for greater flexibility on LNG
15 January 2019
Tokyo renews efforts to push reform in long-term contracts
Discord in Australian LNG damages Asia export hopes
7 December 2018
Broad collaboration is essential if a new wave of Australian LNG projects is to be competitive
Smaller FLNG vessels showing outsized potential
7 November 2018
Transborders Energy is pioneering small-scale LNG development for markets looking to buy modest volumes
Australian shale play faces rocky ride
9 October 2018
The Northern Territory, a key LNG centre, holds huge reserves of shale gas. But will regulations stifle development?
Australia’s Dorado: A black gold bonanza
9 October 2018
After three decades without sizable discoveries, Western Australia is now the country’s most exciting exploration province
Slow rise for Asia's deep-water sector
4 October 2018
Deep-water exploration in the region is expected to see an uptick in investment in the coming decade
Australia's gas race has begun
2 October 2018
Three potential LNG projects are competing to fill eastern Australia's gas-demand supply gap
Australia's LNG comes of age
2 October 2018
Western Australia has the potential resources and infrastructure to supply the world with LNG for decades
Robots redraw the energy workforce
27 September 2018
If autonomous machines take control over more aspects of the energy business, will there be an industry at all in the future?
Technology fuels energy trading gains
13 September 2018
AI-based trading platforms can drive transparency in LNG, commodities trading
Robots redraw energy supply chain
13 September 2018
Market participants are turning to artificial intelligence for cost and efficiency gains
Strong uptake for spot LNG trading in Asia
21 August 2018
Singapore-based trading platform Global LNG Exchange has seen a significant ramp up in its membership base
Oz awaits coronation
29 June 2018
Australia expected to become world's largest LNG exporter next year, as buyers line up
Downward drift
28 June 2018
Gas production across the region is set to decline, with China the major exception, leading to increasing LNG imports
China to dominate demand outlook
5 June 2018
Country's thirst for natural gas maintains upward trajectory
Philippines takes carbon emitters to task
1 June 2018
The Southeast Asian nation has launched the world’s first governmental inquiry into the impact of climate change on human rights
Australia debates oil-import reliance options
2 May 2018
Rising geopolitical tensions in maritime zones heighten its energy-security risk
No plain sailing for Australian LNG
28 March 2018
The country will shortly become the world's largest exporter
At sea with Australian LNG
5 March 2018
The country is positioning itself to dominate liquefied natural gas-fuelled cargo shipping routes into Asia
Australia all at sea
23 February 2018
Australia is positioning itself to dominate liquefied natural gas-fuelled cargo shipping routes into Asia
China can't get enough
3 January 2018
The East Asian country is hungry for LNG and is on course to become one of the world's top importers
Australia's own goal
2 January 2018
While Australia enjoys an LNG export boom, it's also looking at imports as one way of meeting domestic demand
Singapore poised for LNG hub
10 November 2017
The country is ready to play a leading role in meeting surging liquefied natural gas demand in the region's rapidly expanding market. In emailed responses, Singapore LNG Corporation's (SLNG) chief executive said his company is strategically placed to meet emerging market demand
Era of flexibility
29 September 2017
Buyers are taking control of an oversupplied market and they want shorter contracts and freedom to sell what they don't use
Australian LNG under pressure
5 July 2017
A global supply glut, cheaper rivals and tightening emissions policies are a growing problem for Australia’s costly gas-export plants
Asia to soak up global LNG glut
3 April 2017
Weak prices reflect a region awash in supplies. Rising demand will soak up the global surfeit, but not until the 2020s
Malaysia committed, Brunei could waver
6 February 2017
Both have pledged to the cuts, but falling public service subsidies could make Brunei jump ship
The glut still weighs
25 January 2017
Higher oil prices will lift some LNG contracts, but do little to support the spot market
Exxon's PNG InterOil plan has hit some hurdles
16 January 2017
The company's bid comes unstuck over undervalued gas reserves
Slipping schedules in Australia
3 January 2017
Weak prices and a glut of supply are delaying some Australian LNG supply
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