Tagged With Carbon permits
Letter from Canada: Federal government attempts emissions strategy
24 August 2022
Federal carbon pricing options may allow the central government to outflank provincial opposition
Letter from Australia: Labor victory positive for CCS
27 May 2022
Australia’s upstream industry could be poised to benefit from the election of a Labor government for the first time in almost a decade
Tide turns for middle distillates
24 February 2022
Strong prices for middle distillates might persist due to a range of supply and demand factors
CO2 shrugs off the Covid-19 slump
28 May 2020
Future policy assumptions support the EU ETS after initial hit
Preparing the US for the energy transition
3 September 2019
Former President Obama special assistant Jason Bordoff says that government and industry need to work together to tackle climate change
Canada divided by carbon conundrum
22 January 2019
Canada’s plans for raising carbon tax face mounting political and popular opposition
WGC 2018: gas faces political, environmental risks
26 June 2018
Natural gas may be the best solution to emissions goals, but the world needs to be convinced, say industry heads
Carbon permits: The burning issue
23 November 2017
Carbon floor price or free market? Europe's debate shows no signs of calming
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