Tagged With Natural gas
Outlook 2023: Gas sellers beware
21 December 2022
The golden age of gas has given way to the golden age of gas prices, with long-term implications for demand
Outlook 2022: US bipartisanship and regional divergence
22 November 2021
The North American powerhouse will need to develop several energy transitions to green its economy, but has taken important baby steps
Western Canada’s gas revival
19 October 2021
Midstream pipeline expansion and cautious operator spending is fuelling an uptick in prices
Brazil fails to prevent energy crisis
7 October 2021
Government inaction and rapidly changing climate have combined to highlight the importance of diversifying the country’s energy mix
China scrambles to meet energy demand
5 October 2021
The country is turning to gas to plug the gap in its energy supplies, but it will have to pay a hefty price
Clock ticks on Algeria
29 April 2021
Time to ponder the value of its hydrocarbons is a luxury the North African state may no longer have
Letter from China: Five-Year Plan puts energy over decarbonisation
28 March 2021
China’s reluctance to ease back on fossil fuels highlights the contrasting narratives of energy security and decarbonisation
Delek boosts Israeli gas exports
18 March 2021
Leviathan startup, combined with flows to Egypt and Jordan, shows a material bottom-line impact
Testing times for the European gas sector
3 April 2020
The market was already enduring a difficult 2020—and the Covid-19 outbreak will test it to its limits
Commission pushes euro-denominated trading
1 March 2020
European authorities are keen to try to move markets away from the dollar
Energy demand: Three drivers
25 February 2020
Energy use will be increasingly efficient and less carbon intensive than it is today
India’s ‘blue flame revolution’ gathers pace
28 January 2020
Natural gas will play a pivotal role in underpinning the world’s fastest-growing major economy as the government grapples with its energy trilemma—to make its supply secure, affordable and sustainable
Global LNG overhang is not done yet
3 January 2020
Gas prices may struggle to move significantly higher in 2020, despite a recent bounce
US election looms large for energy in 2020
17 December 2019
Foreign policy will pose a range of geopolitical risks to energy markets, while US shale will slacken its breakneck pace
Gas and renewables boost power efficiency
31 October 2019
The metrics are very different, but global power market’s two growth engines are making efficiency gains
Asian megacities face renewables reality
31 October 2019
Population density and grid constraints could limit renewables’ capacity to power Asia-Pacific's rapidly expanding urban metropolises
Gas ‘essential’ to the energy transition: Dudley
10 October 2019
Hitting net-zero carbon emissions is impossible without natural gas, CCS and hydrogen, says departing BP leader
Cost could curb China’s gas appetite
30 September 2019
The post-Tiananmen Square compact of rising living standards in return for political obedience may prioritise affordable residential energy over blue skies
Vopak looks to gas
24 September 2019
Vopak will continue with its oil business but it sees growth in LNG and chemicals
Norway's gas flows take a dive
24 September 2019
Europe’s congested gas market sees Norwegian sales drop to an almost three-year low
Uniper boosts its LNG trading footprint
20 September 2019
The German gas wholesaler has expanded its reach far beyond its traditional European pipeline market
Producers talk up gas demand growth
18 September 2019
Affordability and increasing flexibility could underpin double-digit growth, say bullish developers of supply
Next Decade lauds non-price differentiators
17 September 2019
Texan LNG project developer sees advantages that give its Rio Grande LNG facility the edge
Calcasieu Pass adds to US LNG second wave
27 August 2019
Venture Global takes the third Gulf Coast export FID of the year, even as questions over pricing grow
Germany belatedly joins Europe's war on coal
29 July 2019
Europe’s largest coal consumer illustrates a pathway for the remaining hold-outs
Nigeria struggles to realise gas potential
9 July 2019
Africa's biggest economy is set to expand gas exports but domestic distribution remains a trickier proposition
NGVs battle zero-emissions rivals in EU transport sector
18 June 2019
Fuelling vehicles with natural gas is often cost-effective, but a push to use even greener alternatives is holding the sector back
Sponsored: How Europe's gas industry can decarbonise and transform energy power sectors
6 June 2019
New policies and regulations are essential to speed up the gas evolution
LNG spot trading on a roll
4 June 2019
Growth in “true” LNG spot trading is set to continue, with an emergent role for portfolio players and traders
Chinese LNG faces headwinds
30 May 2019
Huge expansion in imports masks challenges for the future
A new gas benchmark for southern Europe
7 May 2019
New lease of life is raising the profile of a once-moribund hub
Netherlands turns to LNG
1 May 2019
The Dutch reign as a pivotal European gas supplier is officially over, as supply from the Groningen gas field declines
European gas: an industry in denial?
12 March 2019
The natural gas sector needs to be prepared for declining demand after the mid-2020s—and there are doubts that it is
Russia’s hunger for second eastern gas outlet grows
15 February 2019
China’s rampant gas growth revives talk in Russia of Power of Siberia 2 pipeline project
Snam goes global with gas ambitions
17 January 2019
Italian grid operator diversifies to head off challenge of sagging domestic gas demand
Israel mulls future gas strategy
4 January 2019
Supply and demand scenarios underpin recommendations on the fate of as-yet-undiscovered gasfields
Pipeline dreams face the reality of trade restraints
18 December 2018
Amid rising production and surging demand, investment in global oil and gas infrastructure increased in 2018
Wintershall and DEA: A merger with ‘major’ aspirations
23 November 2018
The Wintershall and DEA merger, the largest upstream deal in Europe for over a decade, will be heavily weighted to gas, putting it at the centre of a heated gas debate in Germany
North Dakota's gas flaring challenge lingers on
13 November 2018
Nearly a decade into its hydrocarbons boom, North Dakota, the US’ second-largest oil producing state, still struggles to limit natural gas flaring
South Africa urgently seeking gas as energy transition stalls
18 October 2018
South Africa’s power sector plans envisage a big role for gas, but first the country needs to find the feedstock
Destination unknown for northeast US NGLs
26 September 2018
A shale gas boom is creating a surfeit of liquids. The race is on to expand NGL infrastructure and find markets for ethane and propane
China: Enter the smokeless dragon
25 September 2018
Part of China’s blue-sky strategy is the switch from coal to natural gas—with an unexpected impact on the global LNG market
Strong uptake for spot LNG trading in Asia
21 August 2018
Singapore-based trading platform Global LNG Exchange has seen a significant ramp up in its membership base
Shah Deniz 2 gas kickstarts southern corridor project
5 July 2018
The pipeline network joining the Caspian to Europe isn’t finished yet, but the gas is, at least, now flowing part of the way
Time to prioritise gas?
28 June 2018
With peak oil approaching, the industry's thoughts are turning increasingly to gas investments
China to lead as Asian gas demand booms
27 June 2018
China's need for a clean and abundant energy source is mirrored throughout the region
WGC 2018: gas faces political, environmental risks
26 June 2018
Natural gas may be the best solution to emissions goals, but the world needs to be convinced, say industry heads
Australia's own goal
2 January 2018
While Australia enjoys an LNG export boom, it's also looking at imports as one way of meeting domestic demand
LNG: Churning it out
16 November 2017
Producers face a further period of low prices as more production comes online
Egypt lays gas-hub foundations
10 August 2017
President Sisi has signed into law new gas-sector regulations expanding the role of the private sector
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