Tagged With Spain
Hydrocarbon Processing Refining Databook 2025: Europe, Russia & CIS
4 March 2025
EU net-zero polices have shifted refining investment among member states, while across the region countries and companies continue to adjust to changes in trade flows caused by the war in Ukraine
Gas may be safe in Algeria-Spain spat
21 June 2022
The North African nation is unlikely to suspend exports in diplomatic dispute
Naturgy gets reward for power and renewables pivot
1 February 2021
Australian fund manager makes a premium bid based on the firm’s move away from gas, LNG and international expansion
Revamping the downstream
10 November 2020
Digital solutions will play an important role in boosting Repsol’s refining segment and efforts to lower the company’s emissions
European refiners lag on IMO 2020
29 March 2020
The continent’s crude processors are playing catch-up following the introduction of IMO 2020 regulations on sulphur content in marine fuel
Iberia waits on Europe's LNG sidelines
3 August 2018
Spain and Portugal want to become a gateway for Europe’s LNG imports, but cheaper pipeline gas is a formidable competitor
Electric vehicles roar up Britain's sales rankings
8 June 2018
EV sales are rising in the UK as political changes in Europe help fuel the transition away from fossil-fuel engines
Europe to benefit from US exports
22 March 2018
Rising US supplies, expanding European demand and much available regasification capacity should increase liquidity in the Atlantic Basin
LNG hubs—more global, more liquid
22 March 2018
Demand is keeping up with supply. But new flexibility and hubs are changing the trading environment
Repsol tuning up
10 October 2017
The Spanish major has tightened its belt, lifted its profitability and positioned itself to capitalise on an evolving market
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