Tagged With Natural Gas markets
Outlook 2023: Eye of the storm
21 December 2022
The worst may yet be to come for European and global gas markets
Outlook 2023: Gas sellers beware
21 December 2022
The golden age of gas has given way to the golden age of gas prices, with long-term implications for demand
Outlook 2023: Europe to remain premium LNG market in 2023
19 December 2022
The TTF is likely to stay at elevated levels to attract necessary volumes in the global market
Outlook 2023: America’s role in global gas security
28 November 2022
The US ‘Gaslift’ helped rescue Europe’s energy sector last winter, but with liquefaction plants already operating at capacity, what are the prospects for continued support?
EU takes aim at the TTF
28 October 2022
The bloc’s energy crisis plans include proposals that threaten to distort the global gas market and may have unintended consequences
Letter from China: Geopolitics injects uncertainty into US LNG take
26 October 2022
China has drastically cut its imports of US LNG this year, but Chinese buyers are still signing up for more volumes
Europe’s gas supply woes to persist
6 October 2022
Next year may prove even tougher than 2022
Pay more tax to protect markets – van Beurden
4 October 2022
Outgoing Shell chief sees higher government take as a much lesser threat to the oil and gas industry
Pacific LNG producers prepare for crunch
28 September 2022
There may be little spare capacity in the region
Cheniere surprised by lack of European LNG contracting
28 September 2022
US seller sees Asian buyers changing approach but inertia in Europe
Equinor warns on gas price cap complications
7 September 2022
The Norwegian producer stresses that imposing a maximum price will not solve underlying issues
China holds the key for European winter LNG
25 August 2022
Demand in the East Asian powerhouse is the major variable for pace of deliveries into the Russian gas-starved continent
Storage disincentives and regional dislocations roil European gas trading
23 August 2022
The loss of Russian volumes has made for unusual market conditions
Record prices reflect Europe’s winter gas fears
18 August 2022
It is difficult to predict just how the continent’s supply and demand will balance
Adnoc forgoes seasonal break
3 August 2022
The Emirati heavyweight is racing to bring on new gas production to exploit rampant global thirst for the resource
Bolivia signs Brazilian gas supply deal
26 July 2022
Distributor CDGN has an agreement for gas, but flexible contracts and limited output mean Bolivian volumes are likely to continue to flow to the highest bidder
Serica unmoved by sweetened Kistos offer
26 July 2022
Improved terms fail to sway UK producer
Gas may be safe in Algeria-Spain spat
21 June 2022
The North African nation is unlikely to suspend exports in diplomatic dispute
Canada’s LNG export rebirth
20 June 2022
Europe’s ambitions for a Russian import freeze are a boon to a previously stalled sector
Supply blows rock European gas market
16 June 2022
Russian reductions compound US LNG outage as continent seeks relief in the short and longer term
LNG to help solve global energy supply crunch
19 May 2022
Russia’s isolation following its invasion of Ukraine could lead to LNG trade growing faster than previously expected—but only if new supply and infrastructure can be realised in time to avert demand destruction, says Giignl’s Vincent Demoury
LNG short-term liquidity goes into reverse
6 May 2022
Spot and short-term LNG trading have fallen sharply as concerns over price volatility and supply security make term contracts more attractive, says importers’ group Giignl
Do we need to repeal Dodd-Frank to save the commodity markets?
12 April 2022
A return of banks to commodity markets could ease the current crisis
US action on European LNG speaks louder than words
5 April 2022
Washington’s promises may have underwhelmed. But project developers are demonstrating greater ambition
Europe’s Russian gas reduction ambitions pose market threat
28 March 2022
The desire to stop the flow of gas sales revenue to the murderous Putin regime is laudable. But it is not without significant challenges or risks
Gunvor warns of ‘broken’ gas market
22 March 2022
The European TTF benchmark is creaking under the strain of exceptional circumstances
Equinor’s Russian retreat heightens self-sanctioning price spike fears
15 March 2022
Consultancy Kpler suggests a slowdown in Russian flows might be about to show up in the data and is not priced in
LNG buyers under pressure to adapt
4 March 2022
Expectations for robust demand growth and constrained supply mean LNG buyers and policymakers will increasingly need to mitigate wild price swings
Tide turns for middle distillates
24 February 2022
Strong prices for middle distillates might persist due to a range of supply and demand factors
Qatar goes from strength to strength
22 February 2022
Doha is reaping financial and diplomatic rewards from a tight and tense gas market, while doubling down on investment
LNG to slide, but crude prices to stay high – BHP
15 February 2022
The Anglo-Australian miner sees continuing strength in oil markets
Outlook 2022: The energy transition – the pendulum swings, with unintended consequences
18 November 2021
Change can bring volatility. And there is significant change ahead
LNG market poised ahead of winter
29 October 2021
Prices hit record levels recently, well in advance of the winter demand peak, but the outlook for the market is mixed
Western Canada’s gas revival
19 October 2021
Midstream pipeline expansion and cautious operator spending is fuelling an uptick in prices
Uniper ups capacity in Gate LNG terminal
11 October 2021
The German utility now owns the largest share of access to the Dutch terminal. But the deal offers little guarantee of supply security
Petrochina squeezed between markets and regulated prices
11 October 2021
China’s energy supply crunch is contributing to mounting losses at the state-controlled firm
Gas price spike delivers trading volume record
5 October 2021
Exchange Ice reports a slew of new highs as traders try to navigate unprecedented TTF price levels
China scrambles to meet energy demand
5 October 2021
The country is turning to gas to plug the gap in its energy supplies, but it will have to pay a hefty price
Shell and Octopus join ‘Big Six’ in backstopping UK supplier collapses
30 September 2021
Oil major and established independent step in as smaller new gas and power market entrants flounder
UK parliamentarians take aim at Russian gas politics
21 September 2021
Fingers pointed at the Kremlin as the primary driver of spiking European gas prices
LNG market shifts to shorter-term deals
17 August 2021
Structure continues to shift as both buyers and sellers embrace shorter and more flexible supply contracts
Testing times for the European gas sector
3 April 2020
The market was already enduring a difficult 2020—and the Covid-19 outbreak will test it to its limits
LNG – Powering progress
31 January 2020
Gas complements the peaks and valleys of power generated by renewables, providing a backbone that enables broader penetration of renewables into the energy mix
In search of LNG demand and how to pay for it
27 January 2020
Demand is striving to catch up with supply but the short-term future looks challenging
The LNG SPA and the energy transition
6 January 2020
The long-term nature of gas and LNG contracts poses legal challenges which may be conventional or, depending on the shape of the low-carbon future, unexpected
Global LNG overhang is not done yet
3 January 2020
Gas prices may struggle to move significantly higher in 2020, despite a recent bounce
Operating models are the key to gas success
2 January 2020
Global gas demand is certain to increase but exact predictions are impossible—so an end-to-end operating approach is required
Gas on the rise in Oman
26 November 2019
Expanding upstream investment is boosting Oman’s thriving gas sector
Investors warn complacent gas industry
11 November 2019
Firms need to step up climate change efforts in new ESG environment
Backsolving the residential puzzle
1 November 2019
Existing housing stock offers big efficiency wins but also presents the hardest challenges
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