Tagged With Supply and demand
Chinese oil demand growth poised to slow
24 January 2024
Demand prospects are limited by decelerating economic expansion following the post-pandemic rebound
China’s accelerating transition to curtail oil and gas demand
19 January 2024
Rapid electrification and the adoption of renewables may allow China to trim its dependence on fossil fuels and reach net zero sooner than previously expected
Asian gas industry group counts on rising demand
27 September 2023
Regional industry body ANGEA remains bullish about Asia's adoption of gas and LNG, despite elevated prices and logistical challenges
Opec+ is in a tight spot
23 June 2023
Oil producers’ demand outlook not as bullish as thought as output cuts have limited impact
Crude market wrestles with supply-demand disconnect
25 May 2023
Near-term economic concerns and relative supply strength postpone oil’s recovery narrative
China’s recovering oil demand may not be all it seems
24 March 2023
Rise in imports may be more to do with stockpiling ahead of summer than actual increased consumption
US drilling to climb as supply disruption continues
22 March 2023
Although spending will decelerate in North America, the 2023 forecast for an 18pc increase follows a near-record 44pc in 2022. US drilling will increase by 8.2pc, with total footage forecast to climb 8.7pc, to 290mn ft³ of hole
LNG market stress to persist for years
2 March 2023
But a supply glut could be coming later this decade
Letter from China: Long-term LNG demand looks strong
24 February 2023
Last year’s slip in gas consumption does not affect the outlook to mid-century
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