Tagged With Kuwait
Kuwait looks to capitalise on emir’s bold move
20 June 2024
Emir Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Sabah’s dissolution of parliament gives him more power to shape decisions on the country’s oil and gas future
Middle East refiners primed for growth
10 March 2023
Capacity additions set to take advantage of disruption to Russian diesel
Mideast upstream long-term outlooks diverge
2 February 2023
The region’s producers have their own specific goals and face drastically different challenges
Another political false start in Kuwait
17 October 2022
The opportunity offered by high oil prices to expand static oil and gas capacity is being squandered
PNZ gas project sparks Tehran’s ire
3 May 2022
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia’s domestic scarcity has driven the formal revival of longstanding plans to tap the shared Dorra field
Meeting the oil and gas supply gap
20 December 2021
The world has no lack of recoverable oil and gas resources. But where they will come from in the future will change
Kuwait on defensive over capacity decline
8 November 2021
KPC chief claims remediation is just around the corner, but his assessment appears improbably upbeat
Kuwait takes next step in Gulf refining expansion
22 June 2021
Middle Eastern NOCs have turned to the downstream to take greater control over the global supply chain
Kuwait and Oman hope for peace dividend
26 January 2021
More cordial Saudi-Qatar relations raise hopes for economic and energy investment progress in other GCC allies. But serious challenges remain
One step forward, two steps back in Kuwait
18 January 2021
Renewed political upheaval augurs ill for oil sector development plans
Letter from the Middle East: Selling off the family silver
24 September 2020
Auctioning minority stakes in NOCs’ assets may fill short-term budget holes, but they are no guarantee of long-term change
Gulf NOCs bank on chemical cure
21 July 2020
The current oil market slump validates the increasing focus of the Gulf’s main upstream producers on petrochemicals
Letter from the Middle East: NOCs juggle priorities
8 July 2020
From boosting oil production to throttling it back and with challenging oil and gas dynamics in both the short and longer-term, the region’s producers have their hands full
Kuwait bows to local and global realities
20 February 2020
Domestic politics and international demand fears dictate downward revision of production targets
Gulf states frozen in the headlights
1 October 2019
Beset by intra-GCC tension, Gulf states are dithering in the face of the Iran crisis
Gulf gas: clouds of confusion
9 August 2019
Individual GCC states have settled on convoluted ways of distributing natural gas due to a lack of cooperation
All change in Kuwait's energy sector
13 March 2019
Kuwaiti energy officials are hoping that the recent wholesale shake-up of senior management will herald a calmer future
Conventional oil and gas investment remains key
5 February 2019
Growing conventional hydrocarbon production should still be a priority as the energy transition takes shape
Qatar prepares for another year under blockade
31 January 2019
Intra-GCC tensions will continue under the cloud of Saudi-Iran hostility
Kuwait hosts Gulf and global energy debate
11 January 2019
Petroleum Economist’s 5th GCC Energy Strategy Forum in Kuwait City on 5 February will showcase the country’s strategy and that of other Gulf states in the face of a changing global energy environment
Transport fuel’s day of reckoning
27 September 2018
Gulf refiners wonder how to cope with new green standards for shipping and aviation fuel
KPC—outside the political bubble
3 April 2018
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation is expanding its global footprint as it targets increased domestic oil and gas capacity
Middle East LNG imports set to soar
2 March 2018
Gas shortages will prompt expansion in regional demand for liquefied natural gas
Kuwait goes for gas
16 January 2018
Despite the perennial shadow of political turbulence, upstream gas and LNG import projects are progressing
Project of the Year
27 November 2017
Antwerp Blending Plant, Kuwait Petroleum International
Reflections on the Gulf
10 October 2017
Based on personal memories, Gerald Butt evokes the atmosphere in the Gulf at the dawn of the oil boom era
Middle East NOCs under pressure
21 September 2017
Moves to privatise state energy firms in the Middle East have begun, but progress will be slow and patchy
A clean slate for Gulf refiners
14 September 2017
The region's refiners have less than three years to play their ace card as the IMO implements new sulphur limits on bunker fuel from 2020
Many wings over the Gulf
30 August 2017
The GCC/Qatar crisis is only the latest and most serious case of Gulf oil producers putting sovereignty above regional integration
Arab oil states: the devil's in Opec's data
20 June 2017
The group's latest figures show Gulf oil states' earnings have plummeted, while the region's population keeps rising
Troubled waters in the Gulf
14 June 2017
The Qatar crisis has ensured that the region can no longer boast being an oasis of tranquillity
The Mideast's gas paradox
3 April 2017
It is home to the world's biggest exporter—and also some of its fastest-growing consumers. Yet intra-regional trade remains thin
Transition time in the Gulf
1 March 2017
Fearful of American shale and electric cars, GCC states want to lessen their oil-revenue dependence
Keeping the lid on Iraq
14 February 2017
Reviving the Kuwait sovereignty issue would be disastrous for Iraq
Count on Kuwait
9 February 2017
Kuwait thankful for cuts after missing output targets
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