Tagged With Iran
Iran to hold on to Eastern promise
17 July 2024
New reformist leadership is unlikely to see any quick changes to relations with the West, but Iran has opportunity to boost its energy and foreign policy options
Washington belatedly targets Iran’s crude oil supply networks
24 May 2024
Tehran is in a renewed political crisis, but its ability to find buyers for its crude exports hands it a lifeline
‘Peace pipeline’ appears dead
27 November 2023
Fresh opposition from the US looks likely to be the final nail in the coffin for the long-delayed Iran-Pakistan connection
Petchems Report: Middle East makes most of feedstock advantage
16 November 2023
Industrialisation and urbanization will drive the region’s petchems production as it makes the most of abundant feedstock, while Africa also looks to expand capacity
Shifting sands alter balance of power in Middle East
9 August 2023
The region’s political situation and internal relationships are changing amid the growing influence of Russia and China
Iran’s crude increases raise US, OPEC+ questions
20 July 2023
A tight sour oil market and a reluctance by Washington to take a hard line could allow the OPEC producer to keep testing boundaries, but for how long?
Letter from Iran: Tehran's dreams and Moscow's deceptions
7 June 2023
Russia is making a show of support for Iran as the two nations strengthen their ties, but the promised investment may never materialise
Saudi-Iran deal first step to boosting regional oil security prospects
24 March 2023
But there is less optimism on additional Iranian exports, and many near-term risks remain
Russia sanctions to create oil market slowburn
20 February 2023
Venezuela and Iran offer clues to potential effectiveness of the measures
Russia offers Middle East a card in US game
26 October 2022
Opec+ cut agreement suggests Moscow’s Middle Eastern stock remains high
Russian barrels continue to impact Iranian trade
13 September 2022
The sanctioned countries are competing in a limited illicit market
Tehran makes a virtue of necessity
8 August 2022
Iran aims to channel the fruits of accelerating upstream oil development into refining and petchems integration
Iran casts shadow over Kurdish gas aspirations
30 June 2022
The Kurdistan region is facing political and military challenges as efforts to appoint a government in Baghdad descend further into chaos
Iran unlikely to prove a gas saviour
28 June 2022
Any hopes that the Mideast Gulf state could increase production and exports to help ease the global shortfall are misplaced
Russian crude displacement impacts Mideast producers
26 May 2022
Flows of Urals crude to Asian importers—in particular India—have spiked since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to price reporting agency GX
PNZ gas project sparks Tehran’s ire
3 May 2022
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia’s domestic scarcity has driven the formal revival of longstanding plans to tap the shared Dorra field
Letter from the Middle East: Buyers call for more
29 March 2022
Western countries want Mideast Gulf producers to boost output, but the options are limited
Iran or pump prices: Biden’s thankless choice
3 March 2022
The US president may opt to do a JCPOA deal as a lesser evil than expensive gasoline
Letter from the Middle East: Iran’s gas sector under pressure
25 January 2022
Tehran’s gas industry faces two old and two new problems
Hunt for more reserves at South Pars
14 December 2021
Tehran’s attention is turning to underexplored areas of the field
Iraqi election results offer domestic gas promise
25 October 2021
A poor showing for Iranian-backed factions may add impetus to efforts to reduce import dependence
Letter from South America: Venezuela secures Iranian lifeline
25 October 2021
The crude-for-diluent swap deal with Iran is underway
Economic realities may force Iran to the table
12 August 2021
Hardline rhetoric and positions apparently further apart than ever may obscure appetite for a deal
Iran launches new port amid challenges to nuclear deal
27 July 2021
The country started loading crude from its new Jask oil terminal last week as doubts grow about the prospects for a revived JCPOA
Iran production could return ‘within two months’
1 July 2021
A likely, albeit not certain, revival of the JCPOA agreement could see a swift rebound in Iranian barrels, says veteran analyst
Iranian storage poses shipping headache
29 June 2021
Iran may face crude transportation bottlenecks if and when sanctions are lifted
Oil traders focus on fundamentals, not geopolitics
7 June 2021
Tolerance for perceived political risk has expanded, but such complacency could be dangerous
Letter from the Middle East: Green shoots of recovery
27 May 2021
There are many reasons to be cheerful across the Mena oil and gas patch
South Pars looks to the long term
17 May 2021
With the 38 phases associated with Iran’s South Pars gas field nearing completion, focus has shifted to maintaining production stability amid pressure concerns
Iraq renews gas drive
8 May 2021
Baghdad turns again to China to develop its second largest gasfield
Iran deal faces many hurdles
30 April 2021
A purported leak is just the latest potential obstacle to Washington-Tehran rapprochement
Biden plans Mid-East Gulf shake-up
8 February 2021
US diplomatic goals, if achieved, will impact the Iranian, Saudi and Yemeni energy sectors
Iranian nuclear talks back on
30 December 2020
The global oil market watches with interest on whether a US return to the JCPOA agreement will unleash a wave of Iranian barrels
Saudi Arabia need not fear Biden
8 December 2020
The kingdom may be apprehensive about the incoming US president’s attitude towards Iran, but it could ultimately profit from the regime change
Iran backs Biden into a corner
24 November 2020
Rejoining the nuclear deal might be easier said than done
Hormuz threats lose their sting
13 November 2020
As Gulf states progress bypass projects, time runs down on Iran’s sabre-rattling
Lebanon targets gas and aid
26 October 2020
The crisis-hit nation dreams of better diplomatic relations to help boost its crippled economy and unlock a gas bonanza. But dreams they may remain
Iran finds more export custom
8 October 2020
As Iran ramps up output, it is beginning to turn the tide on exports too
Kadhimi woos Washington
1 September 2020
The new Iraqi premier is leveraging the US administration’s loathing for Iran to secure energy investments
Letter from the Middle East: NOCs juggle priorities
8 July 2020
From boosting oil production to throttling it back and with challenging oil and gas dynamics in both the short and longer-term, the region’s producers have their hands full
Baghdad targets greater gas security
7 February 2020
As US-Iranian tensions threaten energy imports, Iraq is ramping-up domestic gas development
Iraq’s bounty risks bitter taste
30 January 2020
After US-led mission helped to largely banish Islamic State from Iraq in 2018, the country has fast become a battleground for power in the region
Iran-US conflict: more to come?
16 January 2020
With the US’s killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the risk of attacks on Mena oil infrastructure is likely to increase
US lobs a grenade into a box of fireworks
3 January 2020
Washington and Tehran may consider their next moves after drone kills top Iranian general, but restraint is the likeliest casualty
US withdrawal stirs the Middle East
2 January 2020
Long-term adversaries are re-evaluating their allegiances in the wake of the US policy shift in the region
Mounting sanctions squeeze Iranian exports
19 December 2019
The country’s oil sector and economy will continue to feel the suffocating effects of US sanctions
Oil and trouble in the Gulf
24 October 2019
Gulf producers learn that regional instability no longer guarantees high oil prices
Iranian gas gets going
8 October 2019
Iran is making good use of its surging natural gas production domestically, but exports remain constrained
Iran makes the best of it
4 October 2019
Sanctions are constraining Iran’s output and straining oil storage capacity
Saudi Arabia in the firing line
23 September 2019
The oil facility attacks highlight potentially fatal vulnerabilities in Saudi Arabia’s critical infrastructure
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